Saturday, September 27, 2014

Truth about Roswell!

You never expected Kayo Nelson to reveal the truth about the Roswell incident, did you? I've discussed this with many friends over the years and have decided it would make a good blog topic. So hold on! Charley Kayo Nelson is about to tell you the truth about Roswell!

I have a friend named Mike. (That's not his real name. His real name is "Bill.") (Ha, ha. That's a joke.) Mike was in the Air Force for many years and for quite some time was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base outside of Las Vegas. Having some familiarity with Area 51 nearby, Mike told me what he was officially supposed to do if anyone questioned him about UFOs and Aliens in connection with that good old mysterious secret air force base. The official policy was to be a bit wishy-washy and say something like "Well, I can't really comment on that."

Why? Because if people were focused on crazy things like UFOs in connection to Area 51, then they had been conveniently sidetracked and weren't focused on the real reason we had/have a secret air force base. The real reason? It did have something to do with aliens, only the aliens were from the USSR and not some planet on the other side of the galaxy. Area 51 was built to keep secrets from the Russians. Remember, this was during the Cold War and KGB and CIA spies and James Bond and all that.

So let's transfer this bit of knowledge to Roswell. A prototype of a spy balloon we wanted to send out over Russia (Project Mogul) was being tested and it crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico. Now the US Air Force couldn't come out and say "Oh, yeah! That was a prototype of a secret spy balloon we're going to send out over Russia!" That would have been pretty stupid. So instead Air Force spokesman Walter Haut said something quite brilliant. He said what had crashed was one of them there flying saucers. Actually, he called it a "flying disc," but everyone knew what he meant.

Okay, he was following official policy, but it was a brilliant move. Nearly 70 years later and Mr. Haut's slight of hand is still working. People don't think "Roswell: Secret spy balloon." No they think "Roswell: Flying saucers! Visitors from outer space!" And so I say Walter Haut, very well played, sir.

Oh, in case you haven't looked up Project Mogul on the internet do so. Google it. That is all.

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